Milpro Cat > 2 Kg | 4 Tablets (exp 11/25)


Manufacturer: Virbac

Seller: TotalVita BV

In Stock & Free Shipping


Milpro tablets have a delicious meaty flavour, making them easy to feed to your cat. Research has shown that up to 40% of cats will eat the tablet immediately, due to the taste. Fussy cats will probably eat the tablet when mixed in with their normal feed.. The size and shape of these tablets make it easy for your pet to swallow.. The tablets are easily broken in two using the scored lines, which is useful for kittens and small cats.. Milpro is safe to use and is effective against all of the most common types of worms.

Contraindications: Kittens under the age of six weeks, kittens weighing less than 500 g.. For Milpro cat > 2 kg, do not feed to cats weighing less than 2 kg.

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