Milbemax Cat | 2 Tablets


Milbemax cat in the treatment of transfer of most nematode species.
For the treatment of transmission of tapeworms.
For prevention of heartworm disease.
For cats: 2 - 4 kg: 0.5 tablet, 4 - 8 kg: 1 tablet, 8 - 12 kg: 1,5 tablet.
Packaging 2 tablets.

Manufacturer: Elanco

Seller: TotalVita BV

In Stock & Free Shipping


Milbemax cat is a wormer product used to prevent heartworm infections and to treat hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms in cats. The drug comes in tablet form and is based on the active ingredients praziquantel and milbemycin.

Cats can be infected with several types of worms, the most common of which are roundworms and tapeworms. It often happens that kittens are already infected with worms, which they take over from breast milk. Adult cats are more likely to become infected if they spend a lot of time outdoors and hunting. Cats can be badly affected by worms. With Milbemax cat you get a fast-acting agent that not only deworms, but also protects your cat preventively against heartworms and lungworms.

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